Fatty Tuna Toro Sushi

Friday, October 12, 2012

I'm Almost Done with My Last Semester

This semester had made me realized something.

I don't want to be a teacher. Maybe I will, but not for long. I'm doing injustice to my future students for teaching them when I don't even want to. I'm also doing injustice to myself for doing something when my heart lies elsewhere.

I don't have the passion for teaching. I don't have the dedication. I don't even have the social skills needed for it. 

I might teach in a class. I might just do tutoring. I might do shadow-teaching. I might get a license. But I won't do it for long. 

I need money, but that's it.

I'm glad I realized it. It still isn't late for me.

I'm glad I took EDART 102.

edart classroom

No. More like, I'm happy my last semester was with Teacher Charo. 

On our last day, my classmate sang a self-composed song.

How many years have you spent
On things you don't even like
Would you just let everything be
6 years. And no I won't.

I want to study arts. I will study graphic art. Maybe not this year, nor the next. I don't know when... but I will

Teacher Charo always says that talent would only carry you as much. It was passion that will see you through. She always says that she prefers teaching students with passion for art compared with those that only have talent.

She also always says to listen to what you really want to do, as cliche as it sounds, or it will haunt you for the rest of your days. "Babalik at babalik ka din sa kung ano ang gusto mo talaga." Don't do something just because your parents want you to do it. At the end of the day, it'll be you who will regret not doing what you really want, it'll be you who will suffer.

I don't have talent in arts, maybe Ian absorbed all of the artistic genes in our family, but I want to draw.

I have to believe that it is not to late.

She gave us this pencil. :)

I really want to have a children's book title under my name. It has been my dream ever since elementary days. Well, the plausible dream... Who the hell can be an astronaut when one doesn't even have much scientific sense? 

That afternoon, I went to the library to read some children's book. I really want to have that "Naku, Nakuu, Nakuu!" I like the story. I love the illustrations. I could really spend a whole day in that corner. They had a lot of new titles. I realized I'll miss that section in our library.

It's not too late.


  1. First off, I want to congratulate us both because our last semesters were graced by incredible and inspiring professors... teachers. *confetti* It's really, what, rejuvenating? overwhelming? awesome? (XD) to hear them tell us to pursue the craft that we /truly/ care about amid the stress and pressure that accompany college and graduating and shiz.

    Second, I miss the children's section of Eduk's lib, too! HAHAHA.

    Third, I might have felt a little "oww" right there for all the years you spent training as a teacher. But I'm glad the realization came as early as right now. Sabi nga ni Christine "No more gazing across the wasted years~♫" And they were not wasted in truth, any way. They taught lessons and gave you experience. Now, I say, *do them all*! One step at a time, however little, however slow. \o/

    [English para less drama. HAHAHAHA]

  2. I love that self-composed song, hits right through the heart. And yes, though I'm really envious of people who have tons of experience and continuously improving their craft while I'm idling not deciding for anything and self-destructing, I can't give this one thing up.

    Sabi nga ni Hiruma Youichi from Eyeshield 21, "Sainoo ni wa genkai ga aru, doryoku ni wa genkai wa nai." Literally -- talent has its limit, hardwork[effort] has none. Or something like that, as far as I could understand.

    And I'm glad I have a comrade who will say "I'm glad I realized it" with me. What does it mean to live? Life's too short, happiness is too short-lived and maybe, regrets will be the only ones left before we can even grasp what's most important. But as long as we long for it and passionate enough, it's never too late. ヽ(;▽;)ノ

    Congratulations Bakaniki! (´Д`)

    [I'm sorry for this my head FVCKING aches.]
