Fatty Tuna Toro Sushi

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I Have Dirty Hands. LOL.

You can actually see up to where I'm currently reading and there's no need for my super ghei butterfly bookmark. LOL.
(nope,that is not shadow but my grime)

I'm halfway through A Feast for Crows. *sigh* After the storm of A Storm of Weddings Swords, this one was... uhh.. not exactly boring.. but close to it. Really. The plot's pacing is waaaaay too slow. Seriously, a whole chapter for convincing an already totally-smitten character with sex charm of some plan which would only totally fail on their next appearance? George R.R. Martin can kill major characters in less than a page.

I'm halfway through it and there's still only 2 Arya chapters with around 300 pages in between them. Yes I am totally an Arya worshiper. They have a lot of random other characters whose POV kept on cropping up. In the previous books, extra characters' POV are only present in prologues and epilogue.

There are a lot of Cersei chapters. I don't know if I actually like her. I kind of like her and I kind of don't. Her character is definitely complex and she's crazy to say the least. Greedy, suspicious and hateful. Good thing the whole book is not told from her point of view, or her paranoia would seep into the readers' consciousness. I wonder what would have happened if there were Joffrey chapters good thing it's now impossible for that bitch king. I might have chuck out the book in my frustration. Hopefully, no Walder Frey chapter would come up, but I still can't be sure with GRRM. Relax and he would suddenly send you flying in an emotional turmoil.

And the things around the Iron Islands really bore me out. I'm not really a fan of their..uhh.. kingdom. I dunno. And two Aeron Greyjoy chapters and his demented pious rants are enough but I think at least another one would come up. And no need to talk about elections. Real life elections and politics are enough to frustrate me. Religious institutions/characters interference in politics? LOL. Too familiar. 

I like Brienne's accounts of her adventure. Haha. Better if she's still with Jaime. JaimexBrienne shipper here


AND SHIT. GENDARYA. HOW CAN YOU TORMENT ME THIS MUCH?!?! MY ICHIBAN OTP. *fanghei tears* I can't help but read some fan fictions. I'm not a big fan but I really can't help it. aarrrggg. And because of that, I encounter a lot of random spoilers. My fault, I know.  -_________-"

Anyway, I can't help but listen to Dead Hearts by Stars on loop for hours because of GendArya. Bekimom shared a youtube video with me and I just have to watch it more than a dozen times per session several times a day since I've seen it. If it's not Dead Hearts, I'm listening to The Rains of Castamere or the fanmade The Bear and the Maiden Fair. I'm looking forward to the Forest Lass song on season 3. THEY HAVE TO INCLUDE ACORN HALL AND STONEY SEPT IN SEASON 3. They have to. *fanghei tears of conviction*


They were kids that I once knew 

They were kids that I once knew


I have already seen some of the new cast for season 3. There's already an Anguy but I have not yet seen Tom Sevenstrings. Please get one. ;A; Who would sing the Forest Lass song if not him? 


  1. *fanghei tears of conviction* *fanghei tears of conviction* *fanghei tears of conviction* *fanghei tears of conviction* *fanghei tears of conviction* *fanghei tears of conviction* *fanghei tears of conviction* *fanghei tears of conviction* *fanghei tears of conviction* *fanghei tears of conviction* *fanghei tears of conviction*

    I have lost the ability to can (gah, now I have succumbed to using that phrase too) with this series, and especially with this ship. FEELINGS. Please Tom o' Seven! Be in season 3 because we need you. Gendrya needs its theme song, dammit.

  2. "Gendrya needs its theme song, dammit." Tom, this is your raison d'etre. So please, come. ;A; *fanghei tears of conviction*

  3. kailangan pala, sa ganito ka magreply. LOL. now i know. -_-"
