Fatty Tuna Toro Sushi

Monday, September 10, 2012

I am the Man (for Today)

I forgot to add an entry yesterday. Nothing much really happened anyway. I watched movies, ate a lot, procrastinate and slept. The life that I love.

Today was different. I had to go back to the campus since we had to shoot our FSL video project. The rendezvous was 11 o’clock at Palma Hall Lobby. We had to wait for one of our groupmates for 2 fucking solid hours. And she was the one who suggested that we move the shoot today instead of last Saturday. Yeah, so much for eagerness and punctuality.

The nerve of some people. Anyway, the shoot took 3 hours for a 3 minute video. I acted as a guy. I tried everything I could so that I won’t really have to be seen so much in the camera. I’ll try to start editing tonight after I excavate some motivation to do anything at all… We had to do a lot of cuts and editing. I might post the video here or something. Post production could certainly be downright bloody for tech-noob like me. The video was meant to be just fun-fun after all.

Oh yeah, I have an exam tomorrow but I really don’t want to start doing anything at all.

And I had already started with the story of my one- shit shot. Actually I had already an idea the night I thought of making one but then the idea grew and got complicated until I don’t even know how the story’ll go. Today, while riding on my way home (which actually took around 30 mins) an idea struck me. So I started doing the the script in my mind. I might add it here as an entry if I can. It’ll just be a short story. It’ll have a lot of flaws. I’m not a good story-teller but I’ll do my best. It’s from a male point of view. I’m not sure if I gave it some justice. If I could summon a nerve, I’ll ask my friend to check it for me.

Anyway.. exam… exam…. exam….. OH FUCK IT.

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