Fatty Tuna Toro Sushi

Saturday, September 29, 2012

I Attended a Workshop

I woke up quite late so I wasn’t able to attend the morning forum. There were illustrator guests. It was one forum from the series of fora held in our college in celebration of literacy month. The ticket for the undergrads was only a book donation while it costs 120 php (I think) for the graduate students.

I just arrived in time for the afternoon workshop on story-telling. I bought a book from Adarna Publishing House for donation. It was a re-illustrated version of one of Rio Alma’s children picture books. I honestly don’t want to part with it because I really love the illustrations. It was Ang Alamat ng Palay. It was a good read.

Friday, September 28, 2012

I Tried to Make One.

My attempt on onigiri (I used the nori my friend gave me). The filling’s corned tuna. I just used regular rice so it disintegrated quite fast. 


i used to prefer colds than cough. but now i’d rather it be colds than that cough.i hate cough. i hate it. and i’d rather that i’m the one who got it

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I Will Survive.

Oh yeah, I went home in a cab since I had a lot of stuff with me. Then I saw the cab’s plate number.

I survived. I am so fucking awesome.

I Want to be a Hikikomori Once Again.

I have been out for 12 days… so much for the daily entry I wanted.

I have been quite busy and will still be quite busy. These have been hell weeks for me. A lot of requirements had already piled up on me.

Recap for my past few days:

Last Sept 17, I went to CSB (College of Saint Benilde). I met with a few of my classmates and my prof. Good thing I did, since given my sense of direction, I would totally get lost. One of my underclassmen had a quite unforgettable experience with LRT1. I didn’t think I would even witness something like that happen in real life. She almost got crushed in a train door. HAHAHA. We had to pull her out. When she got out, we realized her backpack was still stuck and the train was almost about to move. We had to give a huge heave to save her. Pity since we were not able to capture it in photo. We were panicking. We were able to safely arrive to our destination (somehow). At the destination, we faced another ordeal. How to present our crammed FSL video presentation to a deaf class without wanting the earth surface to crack and swallow us all. It was embarrassing to say the least.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

I ask

of all the titles available internationally, WHY THE FUCKING HELL are you translating Fifty Shades of Grey in Filipino? Why? Of? All? Titles?


Pleaaaaseee, people. Get some sense.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I’ll List Some Books I Want to Buy

in no particular order.


  1. Harry Potter (hard bound)
  2. Artemis Fowl (hard bound or at least all the covers of the books are in one style)
  3. A Song of Ice and Fire
  4. Hunger Games
  5. Percy Jackson and the Olympians

I Decided to Make Some Lists.

Yeah I did. I’ll probably add a few entries of just lists. Any list I could think of. Any list I want to think of. Anything goes. This is my blog anyway, so it’s my rule.

And here’s a photo of Gandalf the Grey being awesome.

I Hate Being a Poor Student.

Both my legs are a bit sore. It’s because I did quite a lot standing, walking, half-running around the (33rd) Manila International Book Fair today at SMX. I love reading books, though I’m a bit nit-picky with what I read. I’m mostly in love with teen fiction novels like Harry Potter (of course!), Artemis Fowl, Percy Jackson, Hunger Games, etc. I love book sales and book fairs. I just found out about MIBF last year and really did love it. I swore that checking it would become an annual thing. So I came for the second time.

It was like heaven.

Books! Books everywhere.

I Still Don’t Know What Title I Should Give It.

I have been off for quite a while. I’m not really busy. In fact, I’m procrastinating. I hate work. Anyway, I’m gonna go try and write a script/summary/whatever it is about the comic I’m gonna try to create. Here goes nothing…

It has been months since I started coming to this cafe. I go here every weekday without fail. I had almost bought this table for myself. It’s already like an unwritten rule that I must sit here from 5:30-7:00 pm. I had already established my niche in this small community. I work at that tall building across from this place. There’s a cafe at the ground floor of that building but I go here. The beverages in this place is quite ordinary and a bit on the pricey side. Their pastries are a bit too sweet for my taste. But I go here.

It’s because she goes here.

Monday, September 10, 2012

I am the Man (for Today)

I forgot to add an entry yesterday. Nothing much really happened anyway. I watched movies, ate a lot, procrastinate and slept. The life that I love.

Today was different. I had to go back to the campus since we had to shoot our FSL video project. The rendezvous was 11 o’clock at Palma Hall Lobby. We had to wait for one of our groupmates for 2 fucking solid hours. And she was the one who suggested that we move the shoot today instead of last Saturday. Yeah, so much for eagerness and punctuality.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

I Wonder

How did Gangnam Style get so popular?

I Ask Myself “What Happened Today?”

The day just passed by without me doing anything productive. When I woke up, it’s already afternoon. I really didn’t do anything at all… I thought I could start some of my school works… Anyway, I’m supposed to be doing something productive today. We were supposed to shoot a video with my groupmates. We were supposed to translate a song into FSL. I might upload it here when were done if my internet connection allows it. I hate to think how much time it would take. Anyway, we had to postpone it because one of us is not available. Well, we still don’t even know how we’ll do it since there will be just 3 of us and none of us is a guy. *sigh*

Friday, September 7, 2012

I am Deciding on Some Shit

I was thinking of making a one-shot manga in webtoon format. I am still not good at drawing but I want to try. I also want it colored. I have no tablet so I have to do the sketch and inking in sketch pad and color it in Adobe Photoshop. I suck at Adobe PS so I guess I still have to learn how to use it. Maybe I should make it a personal project. It’ll probably take me a long time too since it’ll be my first time making a serious comic. I also need to come up with a story. hmmm… I’ll need some motivation...

I Got Dragged to SM North EDSA

Well, I actually I liked it. I went there with my three friends. One of them, I haven’t seen for quite some time. She’s a practicumer so it’s understandable. Practicum is gruesome.

And just like what I said at my previous entry, when we bond, we eat. We ate at Yoshinoya. We ordered their barkada meal platter worth 499 php. My half-Japanese friend added miso soup and I had assorted maki plate. The servings are a bit small for 4 person group. The dishes include 4 servings of rice, 4 red iced tea, 2 servings of gyuudon, chicken yakiniku and ebi tempura. (I forgot to take a photo but I might edit this post if they uploaded the pics.)

I did take a photo after eating.

I Dragged Some Friends to The Coffee Way

I promised myself that I would try to add an entry everyday when I made this blog (back when it's still in wordpress). And then the next day, I didn’t.


Anyway, yesterday I started the day by not coming to my first class of the day. I was cramming a paper I was supposed to pass that day for another class. I am such a lazy ass.

I had the nerve to take photos of stuffs while cramming for some paper. Well, it was half-assed anyway.

Anyway, the day somehow went fine. We tested the readablity of an article. I forgot the title of the article but it was a cut out from a local newspaper. It’s about animal therapy for autism. I predicted that it would be 9th grade level.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I am M.

 And right now I’m pulling my hair due to frustration. I can’t repair my laptop.

Its operating system was corrupted a few weeks ago and kept on turning off on its own. So thought it’s about time to get a new OS so I bought an new OS installer and tried to install it. TRIED.

I was installing the new operating system. It’s going on great but then,

I Greet Thee, O Lowly Creature

Hi there! I’m M.

- a confused happy alumna of UP

-an SQA Engineer who's still learning to code

-a new recruit in the table-top-games underworld

-a licensed teacher who's not sure if she wants to continue teaching stopped being a teacher to pursue something she likes more and is very happy with her decision

-an ex-Science teacher who doesn't know how to use microscopes

-an unfaithful but no longer in a Catholic school

-manga enthusiast

-children’s fiction book lover

-frustrated illustrator

-selective glutton

-still a techno newbie

-blogger noob


-closet stalker

-fan fiction hoarder



-buyer of Sherlollipops and Khanolly

-avid shipper of Gendrya

-a returning Sasusaku shipper

-a future wanderer

-beginner poi dancer

*sigh* this blog has been full of angst lately. Hopefully, that will stop.

*edited June 26, 2015