Fatty Tuna Toro Sushi

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Second Pair and Two Halves Missing

I guess I only received 2 additional half-brains. I was able to do downward 4-petal flower, albeit a VERY clumsy one. I get extra spins on every other petals and they're all over the place. I haven't even started on upward 4-petal flower and there's still the fucking antispins which would need further additional pairs of brain. And then there's the triquetra (and its antispin). And my planes! How can I do plane-brakes if my planes are ALWAYS fucking skewed. And I can't even do a beginner buzzsaw without hitting my fucking face. Butterfly behind the back and turns. Upward threading the needle. Crossers. Aaaaargh. Fuck. I wanna do fluid motions soon.

PS: Finished and graduated BBS and well, I just fucking hope everyone forgets what I fucking did yesterday.

PPS: Unannounced GA's are schedule ruiners.

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