Fatty Tuna Toro Sushi

Thursday, May 15, 2014

First Day

My job started today.

General assembly with a little orientation in the morning. I can't even fucking remember 10 names of my colleagues.

Luuuuunnnch. More than 2 hours lunch break. First time to use the chips to buy food. I will avoid the fried pork chop in the future. There's a drinking fountain on the 2nd floor. 40 php rice allowance per day isn't enough.

More than 2 hours one-on-one orientation with the coordinating teacher. Forced stretching of attention span. Can't. Overwhelming information. So much work. First job and already overloaded. There's a bigger chance that more work will be added.

Will be handling 6 sections everyday. Two grade 4 and whole grade 5.

Need to be disciplined and organized. Hell.

Need to pretend possessing PR skills. Tiring. Good thing sassy gay friend is fun.

Sassy gay friend didn't know I was LET topnotcher. Now he does. Pretended to be hurt that I didn't tell him. I thought I did. Maybe not.

PR skills. Killing me.

Practiced poi a bit. Fucking flowers. Needs additional 4 brains.


Only 9pm.


PS: I have a batchmate whose first name is BILL CLINTON.

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