Last Thursday, I finally met quite few new people in my school. Mostly my co-teachers from different department. I had fun talking to the teachers from Faculty 4 (I will be in Faculty 2, first table you'll see when you open the door. I'll probably be the receptionist of our faculty.) They seem cool and fun.
They warned us about the "initiation" that will happen during our team building. They can't be worse than an organization's final rites, yes?
I was made to go under an impromptu hot seat interview and tried to escape most of the questions. When I wasn't giving out too much "juicy" information, they finally moved on to a different topic. Some of them remembered my younger brother. One of them had already made moves on my batchmate. What the hell, we've been in there for less than a week and he's already flirting with my batchmate (who already has a boyfriend, btw). Oh well, not my business anyway.
I'm actually saddened by how little they know about Special Education. It's a school but they don't know much about SpEd. Special Education to them was synonymous to Early Childhood Education which is so wrong on so many levels.
I was also able to watch a volleyball game. My sassy gayfriend was in it. I had no idea what was going on, but I actually enjoyed it.
I'm starting to hate one of my co-dept teacher and the HS AP.
On Friday, we were scheduled for module-making. I found out one of my batchmates was also from UP (CHK). We had fun talking about UP stuff.
There was a Guidance orientation that mostly talked about a lot of forms and additional work. I don't want to be an adviser.
In the afternoon, I found out I was included in top 10 in the test about BBS. I was given a certificate, a (first communion, wtf) medal, an Adamson notepad and a few Hershey's Bliss chocolate.
I confirmed that I would get 6 sections. We were given school supplies which probably wont even last the first week of school.
I was able to clear the clutter on top of my table (inside the drawers is another story), and somehow sorted all the useless "reference" books. I also found a Pugad Baboy and a cheap DC comics among them. My co-teacher borrowed them. It was fine because they're gonna be mine anyway. *evil laugh*
I already have a few requirements to submit but they're not really impossible to do (Thank you, UP.) I would just need to shed a few notches of my laziness.
It was also my uncle's birthday that day, which was timely, since I didn't get to buy a merienda for my cousin who's teaching me poi. (I walked with my batchmates who're staying in the dorm) We had pasta!
He said my 3-beat weaves are a lot better. No more awkward and jerky upward weaves! Yay! He also said my routine was fine, though he didn't see all of it, (no need since I'm basically just repeating a few tricks over and over.)
I also found out the flower I was (clumsily) doing was actually an anti-spin. I learned how to do triquetra awkwardly which I was supposed to learn before 4-petal flowers. Still can't do crossers, extentions or buzzsaw. I wanna learn the buzzsaw fountain! He taught me stalling, which I'm still learning now. I should probably use the practice poi that contains tennis balls inside instead of the glow balls. The lightweightedness of the glow balls were disconcerting.
On Saturday, Bryan Fuller utterly ruined my world. I had to pig out on a jar of Stick-O and a tub of ice cream.
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