Fatty Tuna Toro Sushi

Friday, November 23, 2012

I Learned that I Don't Listen to Myself.

I actually decided to try monochrome black watercolor painting. But half-way through it, I used brown. So much for following through a decision.

For this one, I used a discarded folder I remember I have (and I have quite a few). I wanted a thicker paper so I reused the folder. Unfortunately, it wasn't white but a light dull ochre nonetheless, it would do. I can't be too picky.

lines using pencil.
I really unintentionally draw people like they're androgynous.
Ignore the shadow of my hand and camera. 

I sketched on the folder. I tried not to include too much details but it was hard on the hair. I liked how the lips curved on this one. I did not notice that the eyebrows weren't symmetrical, not until I was almost done. 

First wash.
Black watercolor mixed with too much water.
Again, please ignore the shadow.

Here, I did the first wash. I mainly used my size 8 brush for this one. When it dried a little, I added more on parts where I want to darken. I also tried to leave out some unpainted parts.

I forgot to take photos of the next parts but I mainly recoated some of the parts, always trying to make some parts (especially the edges) dark and leave out some parts untouched. It was quite hard to control the brush. I used the size 00 on the thin and small parts like the outline of the eyes, the shadows near the features, etc. Whenever I think that the lower and upper coat don't mix well, I recoat them with just clean water. 

Somewhere along, I decided to let go of the monochrome-thingy.  I mixed brown with a lot of water and paint them on the hair. I tried to recoat them many times to make it darker  (I also added more paint on the paint and water solution) but that proved to be futile. I did not dare to make it much more darker by adding more watercolor paint. The colors might get very uneven if I did. 

I tried to highlight them by using a black gel pen (size 0.5). I also added eyelashes to make her more feminine, idk. This is when I noticed that her eyebrows weren't symmetrical. Oh well, too late for that.

After quite a lot of recoating, the hair still looked very dull.
I also outlined some parts using the gel pen.
I should try to buy a thicker pen next time.

I decided to cheat by using watercolor pencil to change the tone of her brown hair. I guessed I was able to make it change but it was not still the brown I was hoping for. I wanted a darker one but I have no other available coloring material. And I still messed up with the hair. They are just too horrible. OTL I should have just put her hair in braid to make it less messy. Probably? I also decided to add some red on her lips and near her eyes. 

The Liar of House of Black and White
Ten years later, maybe?
I'm sorry I made her way too old.

Yeah, it was intended to be her. I was a bit more satisfied with the result (a lot compared to my butchered Ygritte) but I am unsatisfied that it's m'lady. I'm gonna do her one more time (maybe a lot more times) and try to butcher her less.

Don't bash her too much. Please.

1 comment:

  1. Bakit Tully hair? Hihihi. PERO WAAAAH. Go do more, Claire. Haha. Yours are at par with the fan arts I see online! Seryoso. :3
