Fatty Tuna Toro Sushi

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Since It's a New Year I'll Stop My Egotistical Blog Title-Giving Scheme. (Or Not? Whichever.)

Yeah the calendar has been changed more than a week ago but I'm only posting my new year's resolution or at least my list of things I want to change or accomplish. I'll try to make it as realistic as possible.  

1. Jog at least 3 times a week. I need to get out of my sedentary lifestyle. ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ I am also thinking of taking up the poi again even though it won't really be a work out. I gave up poi merely a week or two after trying it out.

2. Find a job. WOW. I don't know. I need to get a job even part-time just to not feel this useless. But right now, it's a bit in conflict with my schedule since my cousin asked me to tutor his son. And it was depressing. I feel so useless, so ineffective(ㄒoㄒ)

3.Get a license. I'm going to take the LET in September. And I'm still not sure if I'll really try teaching.

4.Lessen my junk food consumption. And my sweets too. o(╥﹏╥)o

5.Learn how to cookAt least one dish per month. ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ I am the only person in this house who does not know how to cook. Even Ian know how to cook a meal or two. But hey! I learned how to make Kiddie Spaghetti and Carbonara. ☆☆☆ ( ̄^ ̄) ☆☆☆.

6.Set up a routine on skin care. Shit. I badly need one. I have too much acne and acne marks I could go into depression any day now. Like some ticking bomb. But I am so confused. ヽ(●゚´Д`゚●)ノ゚

7.Eat vegetables. ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ

8.Learn beginner's graphic arts. Or whatever it is. Learn how to use the fuckingly frustrating watercolor. (-_______-;)

I'll stop with that. For now....

And now I feel it to be more concrete than it remaining inside my head, unlisted and abstract.

Oh yeah, I also need to work on my backlogged entries and edit some of my published entries. 


  1. WOW! I actually double checked f it was you who posted. Haha! Great start. Title. There are times when I thought I should call you I instead of M. :)))

    1. Jog at least 3 times a week.
    --> LIES

    2. Find a job.

    --> I need it too
    ( ̄^ ̄)

    6.Set up a routine on skin care.

    --> limiting your junk food intake, sleeping early, and drinking more water will also help

  2. At least you're not the only one. XDb We can do this.

  3. "There are times when I thought I should call you I instead of M." *yao*

    "LIES" wow~ I see you really have such a great trust on me huh? ( ̄◇ ̄;)

    skin care. noted. (。・ω・。)ノ♡

  4. *gheifist* kapatid.

  5. I see you really have such a great trust on me huh?
    --> yes yes. HAHAHAHAHA! well let's see if you can do it :)))

  6. i will. ( ̄^ ̄) when i start jogging... ( -_- )

  7. EXCUSE ME, CAN WE HAVE AN UPDATE ABOUT THIS? Chos. Hahaha. Go, Em! Wooh. \o/
